Responsible Employer

The HR principles upheld across the KION Group are defined in relevant policies and include minimum standards for employment and diversity principles. These principles also govern the work of HR teams, e.g. in creating training and development programs, career opportunities, employee surveys, and employee share schemes. The KION Group Code of Compliance sets the legal and ethical standards to be upheld by all employees in their work.
Minimum employment standards valid for the entire Group, which are based on the core labor standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO), guarantee employees’ rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining, prohibit any form of forced or compulsory labor or child labor, and prevent any discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. They also define the central human rights standards that the KION Group has pledged to uphold. Furthermore, the KION Group is committed to high standards of occupational health and safety worldwide as well as a level of remuneration that is in line with national industry standards and in any case ensures a living wage. As in previous years, no violations of the minimum employment standards were reported in 2023.
A company’s employees are its most valuable resource and a sustainable HR strategy that values workers and their contribution is the best possible way of investing in them. STILL is committed to providing fair salaries that sit above the general pay scale and to actively shaping the future of its business for the benefit of its staff. This approach makes the company an extremely attractive employer and it is rewarded for its efforts with exceptional staff loyalty. Around half of the company’s staff have been working for the business for more than 10 years.
Great Place to Work
STILL was recognized under the Fair Company initiative once again in 2023. As Germany’s largest and best-known employer initiative, Fair Company continually strives for equity in the world of work, with a special focus on career entrants and young professionals. The initiative has been honoring companies that offer fair working conditions and development opportunities for young people since 2004.
Similarly, in November 2022, STILL GmbH was also accredited by Schulewirtschaft Hamburg as a “Company with an outstanding commitment to career support and guidance” for 2022 to 2024 in recognition of its proactive and consistent efforts to help young people preparing to enter the world of work.
Remuneration and Additional Benefits
STILL understands that its employees are the key to its success; they are vital to our business in every sense of the word. The team spirit at STILL is something very special—unique to the industry even—and the company does everything it can to boost this sense of solidarity. This includes flexible working time models, modern and forward-thinking workplaces, fair renumeration, and a set of shared values centered around mutual respect and tolerance, which are firmly anchored in our corporate culture and also lived out in staff’s day-to-day interactions.
All employees are appropriately remunerated in line with the market and their performance, with renumeration levels being reviewed annually and adjusted as necessary to reflect individual performance and skills levels and other potential changes in circumstances. Renumeration models vary depending on national labor market conditions and legislation. In many countries—including those where large parts of STILL’s workforce are based—wages and salaries are governed by collective bargaining agreements. STILL always upholds the minimum renumeration levels stipulated in these agreements and usually pays significantly more, since many of its employees are highly qualified. Depending on the local situation, employees’ renumeration may be supplemented with additional benefits, e.g. pension plans, insurance policies, and healthcare cover. Since 2013, employees have also had the opportunity to share in the KION Group’s success through the KION Employee Equity Program—or KEEP for short.
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86% | 84% | 82% |
In addition, employees receive a voluntary annual bonus, which is based on various factors—including the individual employee’s pay grade and the extent to which their area of the business has met its targets.
Parents in Germany are entitled to up to three years’ parental leave following the birth of their child. A complete set of information materials on this subject has been updated and made available to new parents to ensure they receive the best possible support before, during, and on their return from parental leave. STILL also allows employees to offset their supplementary T-Zug payment against additional days’ leave to care for children and other family members.
Flexible Working Arrangements
As a supportive employer, STILL has devised a mobile working policy that gives employees greater freedom to shape their own working hours and choose their place of work. Having greater responsibility for organizing and performing their own duties means staff are happier at work, which in turn means they are more productive and produce better results.
To support a healthy work-life balance, STILL is committed to the following principles, among others:
- “We support part-time working.”
- “We offer flexible working hours.”
- “We prioritize family-friendly meeting times.”
- “We grant leave during school vacations.”
The Co-Creation office planning project also continued during the reporting year to facilitate further flexibility in the workplace. As part of this project, an initial needs analysis has already been conducted for a STILL administrative building in Hamburg, which will be modernized with a brand-new layout designed to promote collaboration and creativity. The project will be carried out over the next couple of years and is expected to be completed by the end of 2025. The aim is to create a modern working environment that responds to a range of business needs, from spaces designed for employees who need a quiet space to work on their own, to inspiring and creative spaces for cross-team discussions. At the same time, the office should become a place where all staff can socialize and learn from one another.
By converting the office in Hamburg, the company is implementing a new modular design with the intention of then transferring this concept over to other offices. As such, the Co-Creation project is part of STILL’s overriding commitment to make its business a “Great Place to Work.”
Mental Health Support and Occupational Healthcare
In challenging socio-economic times, employees find themselves facing increased personal and professional problems. STILL offers MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) courses to help its employees manage their stress levels, as well as a wide range of free online options, including seated yoga for the workplace, quick exercises for home workers, an exercise routine to help with stress-relief, and meditation courses. A “Stressless” toolbox comprising various digital measures is available on the intranet to provide employees with related support.
To help it better understand the psychological strain that employees experience, STILL has also introduced a process to analyze employees’ mental health based on markers such as stress, mental fatigue, monotony, mental saturation, and emotional exhaustion. EAP, an external support service for employees, was introduced at STILL in Germany in 2023. Employees can use this service to seek advice from external experts on issues such as their jobs and work, family and partnerships, and physical and mental health. EAP is available via phone, video, or in person. Physiotherapists are available at the STILL plant in Hamburg to provide immediate treatment as well as advice on preventing injuries. Advice on good ergonomics at office and production workstations is also provided based on innovative digital analysis methods, such as ISA, an intelligent seating assistant. Flu vaccines can also be obtained at no cost. In addition, all managers at the Hamburg plant received training in 2023 on how to discuss employees’ wellbeing with them when returning from sick leave.
In line with the German Ordinance on Preventive Occupational Health Care (ArbMedVV), STILL offers all staff an occupational health check every three years or so. These medical checkups are voluntary and employees are not required to have the checkups at a specific time. Mandatory medical checkups are organized for staff exposed to specific risks, such as employees working long hours in designated noisy areas or handling certain hazardous substances, as identified by STILL’s safety specialists and company doctors.
Company sports are also offered as a form of preventative healthcare. Since 1997, these activities at STILL have been organized through a registered sports association. Sports activities generally take place outside of working hours and are designed to complement the offerings of conventional sports clubs. The main aim of company sports is for employees to enjoy getting some exercise and to improve their fitness levels together.
In addition, all employees—and their family members—can apply for a grant from the Hans STILL e. V. emergency fund to cover various services, including dentures, glasses, hearing aids, gravestones, and specific medical treatments.
The KION Group is a global corporation, and as such, it takes regional diversity into account in its working conditions. At the same time, the Group is committed to upholding binding standards in line with its social responsibilities towards all its employees. These principles—as well as how they are implemented and monitored, and the relevant chains of responsibility—are defined in the International Minimum Employment Standards (MES) Policy of the KION Group. The policy applies across all KION Group companies and is published in nine different languages.
Like the KION Group Code of Compliance, the MES policy reaffirms that all employees should receive appropriate remuneration and fair access to professional development opportunities regardless of their gender, nationality, skin color, culture, or religion.
Pay scale employees are graded according to the terms of the collective bargaining agreement concluded between IG Metall, the world’s largest organized trade union, and the Nordmetall employers’ federation. Pay grades reflect the requirements placed on an employee across their entire remit and are assigned based on the fulfillment of the criteria for the relevant pay grade. To ensure transparency, all staff have access to a published copy of the relevant collective bargaining agreement.
The equal pay principle applies for all temporary workers. In production and logistics, temporary workers receive the hourly rate stipulated for the equivalent pay grade in the collective bargaining agreement.
Employees typically receive feedback on their professional conduct and performance from their line manager. One-to-one discussions between employee and line manager provide a formal mechanism for this. This single perspective is not, however, sufficient to capture the majority of social interactions within the company. STILL’s 360° feedback mechanism is thus a structured process designed to incorporate the views of colleagues and employees (in the case of managers), by inviting these groups to provide feedback on the individual under review. In the 360° system, managers receive feedback from three different perspectives. A fourth perspective—a self-assessment completed by the person under review—completes the process. This self-assessment is an opportunity for employees to compare their own perspective with those of others and reflect on the feedback provided, so that they can improve their self-awareness and identify ways to progress and improve.
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95% | 95% | 96% |
Transparent and constructive dialog with employees and a commitment to giving staff a voice have been cornerstones of STILL’s corporate culture ever since Hans Still first founded the company back in 1920. Over the years, these founding principles have grown in importance and today they are fundamental to STILL’s unique sense of team spirit.
The works council is central to promoting dialog and employee engagement within the company. The Management Board holds regularly workshops with the council’s elected employee representatives to discuss the latest issues raised by the trade unions and debate the interests of the different groups involved. As an elected body, the works council is responsible for representing all staff and their respective interests—that means all employee groups and also apprentices and staff members with disabilities. The council serves as a mouthpiece for employees and a link between them and the business. In doing so, it ensures that STILL complies with all European standards for employers and continues to generate attractive and secure jobs for future generations.
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59% | 61% | 57% |
In addition, KION’s biannual campfire meetings provide a safe and confidential space where employees can share their questions, thoughts, and concerns with a member of the Executive Board in small groups of ten. Employees are encouraged to ask any questions they have about the company and provide feedback on areas for improvement or challenges that still need to be addressed.
Once a year, the KION Group also conducts its global KION Pulse employee survey. In 2023, 80% of employees took part in the survey and shared their feedback. The results of the survey are used to identify the right actions to take to further improve employee engagement and motivation.
Training and Professional Development
The KION Group understands that to secure a successful business future and retain valuable expertise, it needs to target the next generation today and equip them with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills they need. In Germany alone, around 50 apprentices and work placement students begin their careers at STILL every year. The company is currently working together with vocational training colleges and professional associations to train over 220 talented young people—both male and female in equal measure—across 15 commercial and business professions. STILL’s training is specifically tailored to industry requirements, meaning these young specialists are extremely well placed to find a job on completion of their training. This is reflected in the fact that STILL retains over 95% of its apprentices.
Professional development is a top priority in the KION Group’s HR strategy. In order to establish its long-term position as an attractive employer on the international market, STILL offers its employees a broad program of training opportunities. In addition to a wide range of specialist qualifications, this program includes management training for all management levels. Ranging from basic training to advanced courses for experienced managers with an international focus, this management training provision ensures that all managers have the skills they need to perform their role effectively.
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100% | 100% | 100% |
The KION Group companies collaborate closely in terms of their talent management activities and training and development programs. A key component of this work is the OCTR (Organization Capability Talent Review) process—an integrated performance, talent, and succession management approach covering all employees across the business (while also reflecting local legislative requirements). This process thus supports the company’s performance management activities and promotes a rigorous feedback culture.
The first step in developing talent is to identify talented individuals and analyze their development needs and the opportunities available to them. Based on the OCTR process, the company sets up talent conferences where it systematically identifies talented individuals working at the KION Group in Germany and nominates them for the following development programs: EXPLORE, MOVE, Talent Pool, KION Transition to Management Program, Female Mentoring Program. The Operation Development Program was also launched in December 2023 to support proactive succession planning with the aim of building up a pool of talented future managers for the operational arm of the business. A standardized training plan sets clear criteria for participant selection and defines a comprehensive training program.
Diversity, equal rights, and inclusion are all central principles that underpin STILL’s HR activities. Everyone deserves the same opportunity to realize their potential and develop their professional skills. It is essential that the dignity of every individual is respected and that all employees are valued, regardless of their gender, sexuality, ethnic or religious background, age, cultural background, or other characteristics. To this end, STILL has regulations and policies in place that prohibit all forms of discrimination, bullying, and harassment within its business. Like any other violation of the KION Group Code of Compliance, all cases of misconduct are subject to disciplinary action. This approach is in step with the values of “courage,” “integrity,” and “collaboration,” which are crucial to ethical action in the entire company group.
The Compliance Committee supports and advises employees concerned throughout the processing and investigation of the report as well as after this process has been completed (for example, by arranging psychological support). The committee also maintains contact with the HR department throughout the process, recommends disciplinary action where appropriate, facilitates communication, and coordinates any training if needed. Diversity issues are also covered in the mandatory compliance training that employees are required to complete each year on the topics of respect in the workplace and the prevention of discrimination and harassment.
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Awareness Month
As a cross-functional committee at the KION Group made up of executives from all Group companies, the remit of the Diversity & Inclusion Council is to define, implement, and review the success of sustainable measures aimed at promoting diversity, inclusion, and equality. One of its first initiatives is the KION Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Awareness Month, during which the main focus is on celebrating differences, creating an inclusive and respectful workplace culture, and supporting justice and fairness for all. All staff are encouraged to get involved and increase their understanding, by watching the keynote speeches broadcast worldwide, taking part in the many activities organized at the local sites, or even organizing their own initiatives. They are also invited to share their experiences and ideas with colleagues on social media using the hashtag #KIONisdiverse.
Increasing the Proportion of Female Employees
Studies show that mixed teams are significantly more successful; they produce better ideas and are more flexible in their response to customer requirements. In 2022, KION launched a new social media campaign aimed specifically at women. As part of this campaign, a trailblazing STILL employee was invited to give an interview to share her own personal experiences and increase female representation across the company. STILL also visits trade fairs, schools, and training events to promote the benefits of professions in the industrial and technical sectors and break down the misconception that these jobs are predominantly for men.
With this in mind, STILL took part in a vocational training fair in Hamburg in 2023 that aimed to encourage girls to pursue technical and commercial career paths. The need to promote the STEM professions as an attractive career option for young women and girls also plays an important role in STILL’s apprentice recruitment work. The company offers regular skills seminars for girls aged between 12 and 18, during which the girls work together in small groups to develop solutions to challenges and enjoy a shared sense of achievement. They also receive personal feedback designed to boost their confidence and learn about the different technical professions available to them, as well as the training and educational routes into these professions. These events are always attended by senior training staff, as well as apprentices and work placement students, who can talk to the girls from a shared perspective.
In addition, the Group-wide Female Mentoring Program—which promotes the mutual exchange of knowledge and experiences—supports female colleagues who are already in management roles or will be moving into management in the near future. Mentees on the program have the opportunity to gain new perspectives and develop both personally and professionally thanks to the personal support and advice of a trusted mentor.
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14% | 14% | 13% |
Everyone should have the opportunity to achieve their potential at work, which is why STILL is committed to creating accessible workplaces. The company’s internal representatives for disabled staff represent the interests of this employee group and are on hand to provide the company with relevant advice and support. They ensure that all applicable disability standards are met, petition the responsible internal or external bodies to take any necessary action, gather suggestions and register complaints, and work within the company to resolve these matters.
STILL is supported in its accessibility work by the organization “Elbe-Werkstätten.” STILL’s partnership with the Hamburg-based company began back in the 1980s, and this longstanding collaboration has been a resounding success. Today, disabled employees are fully integrated into the company’s workflows, with extremely positive results for both sides. STILL has gained some highly dedicated employees and “Elbe-Werkstätten” have achieved their goal of normalizing workplaces where disabled and non-disabled people work side by side.
As a socially responsible employer, STILL is also committed to helping employees return to work after an accident or period of illness. In meeting its commitments in this area, the company works closely with the German Federal Employment Agency, the Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund [German Federal Pension Fund], and vocational rehabilitation training institutions. STILL offers a practical phased return to work, which allows employees—whose valuable professional experience would otherwise be lost—to re-orientate themselves and integrate back into the workplace.
Human Rights
Introduced in 2014, the KION Group’s International Minimum Employment Standards (MES) Policy anchors generally recognized human rights standards and the core labor standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO) at the heart of all of the Group’s working relationships. It is essential that the Group scrutinizes its own conduct, identifies potential risks for employees, and monitors compliance with the standards it has set for itself. To this end, the Group employs various active and passive monitoring mechanisms, such as checks on personal data and requested information; surveys conducted as part of audits by the Group’s internal audit department; and checks on information submitted via the KION compliance management system and the whistleblower hotline in particular. All employees and individuals, both external and internal to the company, are expected to report compliance-related matters and cases of non-compliance, including child labor, slavery, or human trafficking.
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STILL verifies the age of all job applicants prior to their recruitment by cross-checking this information against their social security number. STILL also has training and workplace safety teams in place to look after young employees.
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KION’s minimum employment standards underline the principle of equal pay for equal work regardless of gender. STILL also conducts regular equal pay reviews.
The KION Group sustainability report and data are reviewed annually by independent auditors. They also perform on-site inspections at different locations each year to verify that the data are correct and that all regulations are being observed. All sites underwent a human rights audit in 2023.