Targets and Key Performance Indicators

Selection of Key Performance Indicators Relevant for Sustainability

Full details of the key performance indicators and data can be found in the relevant chapters of this report.

Environment 2022 2021 2020
ISO 14001 certification rate1 89% 87% 71%
Energy use 689,477 GJ 718,734 GJ 481,779 GJ
Greenhouse gas emissions
(Scope 1 + 2)2
37,293 t CO2e 39,167 t CO2e 25,543 t CO2e
Greenhouse gas emissions
(Scope 3)2
10,038 t CO2e 10,333 t CO2e 6,808 t CO2e
Water consumption 117,979 m3 110,876 m3 45,091 m3
Waste produced 25,245 t 28,689 t 15,296 t
Key Performance Indicators for STILL EMEA
Employees 2022 2021 2020
Percentage of female employees 14% 13% 14%
ISO 45001 certification rate1 89% 87% 71%
LTI (lost time injuries)3 168 203 169
Accident frequency rate4 12.3 15.6 14.9

[1] Or equivalent standards, based on all sites
[2] Greenhouse gas emissions in kilograms of CO2 equivalent; Scope 1 + 2 market based, Scope 3.3 location based
[3] Resulting in an employee being off work for at least one day
[4] Number of accidents per one million hours worked that result in an active employee being off work for at least one day

Key Targets

STILL’s sustainability targets align with the key targets set out in the KION Group sustainability strategy and include both Group-wide actions and individual measures within specific organizational units.

Group-Wide Targets
Dimension Action field Targets Target year
People  Occupational health and safety  Reduce accident frequency rate by 5% per year
(based on annual upper limit, with long-term goal of eliminating all accidents in the workplace)
Achieve 100% ISO 450011 certification rate (across all sites) 2024
Talent  Increase employee satisfaction levels to an engagement score of at least 75, with a participation rate of at least 68%, as measured by annual employee surveys conducted worldwide 2023
Ensure no cases of non-compliance with
KION Group minimum employment standards
Products  Product and
solution sustainability
Move towards primarily electric product range, including battery and fuel cell powered products, by increasing proportion of electric trucks sold annually to 90% 2027
Increase average charging efficiency of electric trucks 2027
Product and
solution safety
Increase average number of safety features per industrial truck to 4 and fit 10% of products with active safety features 2027
Processes  Climate and energy  Achieve absolute reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (Scopes 1, 2 + 3) in metric tons of CO2e compared to 20212 levels:
Near term
Scopes 1 + 2: 4.2% reduction per year
Scope 3: 2.5% reduction per year


Scopes 1, 2 + 3: 100% reduction to archive net zero
By 2050
Achieve CO2-neutrality for products and solutions throughout the use phase (measured in metric tons of CO2e Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions generated through use of products and solutions delivered each year)

By 2050

Achieve absolute reduction of 30% (in comparison to 2017 levels) in total energy-related greenhouse gas emissions from own operations in metric tons of CO2e
(Scopes 1, 2 + 3)


Achieve 100% ISO 140011 certification rate 2024
Circularity In progress
Supply Chain  Publish EcoVadis score or equivalent rating3
(corporate social responsibility performance) for:
25% of top spend on strategic suppliers 2022
100% of strategic and high-risk suppliers4 2023
100% of direct suppliers 2025
Define and communicate a minimum EcoVadis score3 (or equivalent rating) for all suppliers 2023
Enforce minimum EcoVadis score as mandatory requirement for suppliers 2027
Sustainable governance  Achieve ‘Gold’ EcoVadis rating for all Operating Units and the
KION Group
S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA)
Achieve score ≥ 70 points for the KION Group

[1] Or equivalent standards
[2] A final resolution on these targets will be made by the boards of the KION Group in the near future.
[3] Group-wide or location-specific rating
[4] Suppliers where the industry or country where they are based present higher risks in terms of sustainability