Focus on suitability
What Makes a Good Solution the Right One
One particular example demonstrates just how different the most suitable solution might look.
C-Line and X-Line: Different Ranges for Different Requirements
The STILL brand stands for high-performance intralogistics solutions; however not every use case requires the most powerful product. Thinking sustainably also means offering products that are suitable for the task in hand. That’s why STILL has developed its Classic Line, which features more standardized products that are readily available and deliver professional results. The company clearly differentiates this range from its X-Line, which offers customers the ultimate solution for the most demanding applications.
In this case, suitability for STILL means:
- only offering products with the features that are needed;
- communicating this proactively; and
- training our sales experts so that they can provide truly tailored advice.
Find out more about the C-Line and X-Line at