Inclusive Workshop in Hamburg

Every morning, around 25 people with disabilities begin their shift at the spare parts warehouse in Hamburg. This external working group is the product of the organization Elbe-Werkstätten, which supports people with disabilities in achieving gainful employment. The members of the group enjoy permanent positions at STILL and are proud to wear their STILL work clothes. Their jobs were included in the plans when the spare parts warehouse was first built more than 20 years ago, which demonstrates the success of the cooperation. STILL has provided employment opportunities for people with disabilities since the 1980s and believes it is an approach that benefits everyone.

The Elbe-Werkstätten group are responsible for spare parts pre-packaging. Components from suppliers typically arrive in storage containers meaning they need to be repacked individually so that the parts can be stored and ultimately delivered to STILL customers. This is an important task and it plays a key role in ensuring that spare parts orders can be processed quickly.

Although the working group officially falls under the umbrella of Elbe-Werkstätten, they are an integral part of the workforce. They are assisted by two support workers employed by STILL, so that the company can offer people with disabilities a career with a regular income and a dependable daily schedule. Their work is highly valued and they work in the warehouse and spend their breaks in the canteen alongside their STILL colleagues.

STILL is one of the major employers in Hamburg and this initiative supports the vital efforts of Elbe-Werkstätten, which oversees more than 3000 job opportunities for individuals with disabilities.